Friday, September 30, 2011


Greetings and salutations readers and welcome to "Nope. Chuck Knoblauch." Click here if you don't quite get the title.  It's a legitimate new blog written by two students at Syracuse University. I'm Mike. I like baseball, football and basketball. I'm a Yankees man. They're my first true love and, in all honestly, they've treated me better than women. The Yankees are always there when I need them. Always. When the Yanks aren't there, it's Knicks time. I've loved the Knicks since I was a little kid. I stuck with them through the Isiah years and we're finally reaping the rewards. On Sundays, I'm a member of the church of the New York Giants. Who needs women when the Giants will fuck you over every week.

But tonight, I have the luxury of writing about one of my favorite things in the world: watching the Red Sox lose. Needless to say, last night was one of the more glorious evenings in baseball history. Watching Jonathan "Papsmear" Papelbon blow that game last night blow the lead in the 9th inning last night was beautiful. Papsmear is arguably my least favorite player in the majors. He's turrrrrrrrrrible. Not to mention, he compared himself to God himself (A.K.A Mariano).  So yeah. Paps. Not so great.

I'm gonna be honest here, I was rooting against the Yankees all week. The more games the Rays won, the more likely the Sox wouldn't make the playoffs. Well. My dream came true. The "Best Team Evah" is not in the playoffs. It makes me smile.

Now with news coming across the wire that Terry Francona may be leaving the Red Sox, my life as a Yankee fan can be wonderful again.

Postseason preview to come later on today.